prophet of the Bible: 1st cousin 89 times removed
is quoted by Jesus and the disciples more than any other prophet. There
are more than 250 allusions to Isaiah's prophesies. Isaiah prophesied
in Judah from 760 to 713 B.C. It was during his ministry that
the northern kingdom of Israel was taken captive by our 87th great-grandfather
Sargon II, King of Assyria and the Assyrians were threatening Judah
also. After the fall Josephus says
that Cyrus the Great (our 82nd great-grandfather)
was induced by the prophecies of Isaiah (Isaiah 44:28 45:1,13) to
aid the Jews in returning and rebuilding the temple.
What I especially like about Isaiah is his emphasis on social justice which certainly inspired Jesus and thus much of our thinking today. Men must cease to pursue wealth as the main aim in life: "God will not tolerate the oppression of the weak." Here is a piece of the Dead Sea Scrolls discussing his thoughts. |
Due to my work on a book about this, I leave several generations
out here for the time being:
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