Genealogists love to "breath" the air where their forefathers
once lived. Most of our ancestors were naturally peasants and only a few
of their buildings remain today. But if you are lucky to have some noble
origins it is quite an experience to wander around in the castles where
your great-grandfathers once lived.
In the much wasted time I have during my lecture tours in Denmark, Sweden
and Norway I am trying to map out all my family's former possessions (and
tacitly plotting to one day recover them!) Until I succeed in that they
are well suited as overnight accommodations on my tours. This, however,
was not quite the opinion of the royal family of Norway when I knocked
at their official residence, Stiftsamtgården in Trondhjem, built by my
children's 11th great-grandfather, Schøller. Then I had more luck spending
the night in our old royal seat, Gjølme, outside Trondheim.
Here is an overview of my most stately sleeping quarters.....and my family
"claims" to them:
Our 190 castles
in Jylland (Jutland)
Our 80 castles
in Sjælland (Sealand)
Our 62 castles
in Fyn
Our 60
castles in Skåne, Halland and Blekinge
Our castles in Schleswig-Holsten (not yet finished)
Our castles in Norway (not yet finished)
Our castles in Sweden (not yet finished)
Our castles in Germany (not yet finished)
Our castles in France (not yet finished)
Our castles in England (not yet finished)