458-Namibia-014 Update on Africa work  
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I met Kandy and Selma in the university in Windhoek. When I sensed that they had grown up in exile, they told me that they had spent their entire childhood fleeing South African elite troops since both their parents were anti-apartheid freedom fighters in SWAPO. Both their parents were killed in the struggle and for years they had been starving in the bush. But one event had saved their lives. Namely when they found safety in the Kwanzu Zul guerrilla camp in Angola. One of my Danish friends in Windhoek then replied to them: "Are you aware that Jacob financed that camp?" Then our friendship was instantly made. One of the last things American Pictures helped finance in Africa in cooperation with IBIS was this camp and it was therefore one of the happiest moments in my life now to meet people who claimed that they wouldn't have been alive if it had not been for our efforts. See below how their family responded when finding this page on the Internet.