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The Ubuntu House

Ubuntu is an ancient Southern African view about what binds us all together.

Read more about it here.
The Ubuntu House in Copenhagen is our old

head quarters for American Pictures from where we financially supported

the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa from 1977-1987

Special: My farewell speech about our past anti-apartheid work to Nelson Mandela's

 daughter - patron of the Ubuntu House -Zindzi Mandela

Let us continue to meet here in loving and constructive dialogue

 Jacob Holdt
Købmagergade 43
1150 Copenhagen, Denmark
Calendar of the Ubuntu House on Facebook


Here are pictures and videos from many of our public lectures

that I photographed in the Ubuntu House after it reopened in 2016.






Critical Muslims un-radicalization meeting in my private home 2001-2016

The Ubuntu House is a continuation of the dialogue groups we held in Forum for Citical Muslims  - often in my living rooms.


The peace ring around the Synagogue after the terror attack

The Ubuntu House is an offshoot of the terrorist attack on the synagogue after which I invited Niddal el-Jabri, who had organized the Peace Ring, to create dialogue groups here in the house.

The Exit Circle's opening meeting for women exposed to violence - as many white and brown women

The Exit Circle are closed dialogue groups for girls and women who are exposed to psychological violence, social control and religious social control. The regular dialogue groups around the country I can not photograph for good reasons.




Integrating accommodation for Syrian refugees and Danes brought together from their provincial villages

Danes often find it difficult to open up to refugees in the towns they have ended up in, but with a helping hand, both sides benefit greatly from meeting and living together.

Refugee lawyer Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen's concert

In recognition of Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen's great work for refugees, we invited him to give a concert at the Ubuntu House.
Others can support our work by renting the space.


Wedding between Swedish agnostic and Swedish-Afghan Muslim in our Mariam Mosque

In the women's mosque, couples in love from all over Europe, whom imams will not marry across faiths, come to get married. In our house love must triumph over all oppressive tribal, clan, national and religious ties! We have had more than 50 weddings so far, many of which I have photographed.




The Center for Conflict Resolution holds a lot of courses here on a non-violent approach to our fellow citizens

Without loving inclusive thinking about each other, integration and dialogue will not succeed. We hold many courses where people can learn the processes.

Crossing Borders works with young people all over the world and has head quarters and meetings here
Crossing Borders works with diversity and social responsibility on an international level and has a permanent office in the Ubuntu House

Meeting place for SABAAH - the organization of gay immigrants/Muslims

 Here pictures from one of their weekend courses in the Ubuntu House




2016-10-08 21-48-15

Incest transformation Festival with actor Lotte Arnsbjerg

This incest healing and forgiveness conference became too big to be in Ubuntu House where it belongs and instead moved to Theatre Island.

Dialogue meetings in the mosque for Jews and Muslims from all over Europe

  The Mariam Mosque and the Jewish Peace Movement together bring Muslims and Jews in dialogue.

Dinner for LGBT asylum seekers fleeing cultural Christian and Muslim persecution

 They especially need protection from other asylum seekers from their home countries.




Salaam Shalom Pesach

Interfaith celebration of the Jewish Passover, where Muslims and Christians celebrate together and are taught about the Jewish holidays. Including  the female Rabbi as we plan to organize the mosque on Saturdays as a "women's synagogue."

Syria hearing with Mogens Lykketoft in Ubuntu House

Mogens Lykketoft is the former Danish foreign minister. The hearing was on the patterns of conflict behind Syria's tragedy today.

Sexual abuse transformation Symposium 2017

 Transformation Symposium about and for people who have overcome injuries such as incest or want a different life or sexual identity.





The Grand imam of Indonesia
 visiting the Mariam Mosque

 The Grand Imam, whose mosque in Jakarta holds 200,000 at a time, works closely with the church and came to visit us, along with the President's daughter, to support our interfaith work.

Danish Jewish Peace Movement meeting on 50th anniversary of occupation of Palestine

  Conflict zones like Israel and Palestine are of great interest to us and New Outlook has a regular meeting place in Ubuntu House

Crossing Borders event - Rwanda  Never again - in the Ubuntu House

 Rwanda is one of the African countries where no work was done to heal the historical tribal conflicts in time, with tragic consequences that we can and should all learn from.




Özlem Cekic's book launch party

with the Bridge Builders, which has an office in the Ubuntu House and tries to engage with people and groups of hate.

The Mariam Mosque

The now world-renowned women's mosque is trying to do away with patriarchy in almost all religions.


The sexual abuse Transformation Festival at Ubuntu House 2017

 The second transformation festival of the year about and for people who have overcome injuries such as incest or want a different life or sexual identity.




The Jewish Peace Movement New Outlook's meeting on Jewish Copenhagen

  Historian Morten Thing compared the Jewish ghettos with today's Muslim ghettos in Copenhagen

Faith in harmony's meeting on the ABCs of Sikhism

 Satnam Singh spoke about the ABCs of Sikhism at Ubuntu House

Salaam Shalom's Chanukah celebration

 New Outlook and Salaam Shalom joined forces to celebrate the Jews' annual Chanukah Festival of Lights. See the videos with the dances.




The Exit Circle's open meeting on psychological violence and social control


The Black Women's group's "Stop Violence Against Women" 

 co-organized an evening on stopping violence against girls and women

Salaam Shalom's Jewish Sasha song

  organized by Tali Padan




The Exit Circle's open meeting on sexual violence in love relationships


The Jewish Peace Movement New Outlook's meeting on Israel and Palestine


Faith in Harmony's screening of "Bridging Beliefs"





The Mariam Mosque Academy

with Saer El-Jaichi on the purity of Arab philosophy


The Black Women's group's
"Feminist Tam Tam"



The Mariam Mosque Academy

 with Jesper Petersen on Islamic feminism





Meeting on the Syrian conflict

  Crossing Borders' meeting with psychologist Mozhdeh Ghasemiyani


Women's Day meeting

 Fatima Osborne talking about her transition from Somalia.
Video in English.


Passover 2018

 New Outlooks Passover with performance by Sanne Nusbaum singing on videos.




The Ubuntu House gets The Dialogue Award 2018

Minister of Culture Mette Bock presents the prize to Jacob Holdt


The Exit Circle's sexologist on sexual violence

Sexologist Camilla Dremark on "Violence behind the veil of love"


Jewish Peace Group New Outlook's meeting on Gaza and Israel

With Anders Jerichow and Lalou Rostrup Holdt




Famous author Sara Omar on social control and honor-related violence

  Crossing Borders' Food for Thought event with our Ubuntu patron Sara Omar

Mariam Mosque Academy

 with Professor Christian Høgel on Ibn Tufayl's book "Hayy Ibn Yaqzan"

UPC Peace Walk

 The final meeting after the walk in the Ubuntu House




Salaam Shaloms Chanukah 2018

New Outlook and Salaam Shalom celebrate Jews' annual Chanukah Festival of Lights


Green Christmas in the Ubuntu House

 "Let's not buy at Christmas, let's share" -  People came and donated to the Christmas party


The Jewish Peace Group's evening on philosopher Hannah Arendt

 with a talk by Claus Christoffersen





The Mariam Mosque Academy


presents Hasib Nasiri's paper on Jihadism in philosophical light


Chief rabbi Bent Melchior speaking on his activist life as a peace maker

 for international students from Crossing Borders (in English) 


Women's Day celebration dedicated to Winnie Mandela

and Mandela's Ubuntu concept - Mandela's daughter Zindzi speaking
(in English)

2019-03-16_20-49-23 2019-09-10_16-32-16

Black Women's Poetry Festival

with many poets participating

100% for the children's book release

They work for neglected and homeless children in Africa and have offices in the Ubuntu House

Farewell dinner for our ambassador Zindzi Mandela

We made a special dinner with many entertainers when our patron of the Ubuntu House had to go back to South Africa, where she sadly died shortly after.


Another international wedding in the Mariam Mosque

 between a Sikh and Muslim family
(videos in English)

"The Bridge builders"

 On the new dialogue book by Özlem Cekic and Bent Melchior, whose office is in the Ubuntu House


The Minister for Development in the Ubuntu House

 To hear about our NGO work




Peace researcher Jan Øberg speaks in the Ubuntu House

  on the problems of the West in the future

Crossing Border's Board meeting and dinner 2021

We celebrate the AIDS-day 2021 with a book publishing

followed by a Christmas concert in the Round Tower Church

Chanukah 2021 with cantor
Dorothy Goldberg lightening

with her songs and Roma music
New Outlooks Jewish-Muslim dialogue

for the Jewish - Muslim Motorcycle Club
New Outlook on the White busses

René Meyrowitsch's story about his film, "Liberated from Hitler's Hell" about the rescue of 17,000 concentration camp prisoners by the White Buses.
The Bridge builder's debate on Koran burnings and freedom of speech


Salaam-Shalom-Chanukkah New Outlooks lecture on peace
Peter Langwithz Smith on
for New Outlook
Exitcirklen's meeting on psykic violence Israeli - Lebanese dialogue
in English


Related Ubuntu events and gatherings




Muslim-Christian Christmas 2016

 No other Danish holiday is so important to share with our new Danish friends. This year we had so many people that we had to move Christmas Eve from my home to the Ubuntu House.

Coworker Garba Diallo's 60th birthday

  Garba is the director of Crossing Borders, which has head quarters in Ubuntu House. His party featured a mix of guests from all over the world


Former employee Kitte Fennestad's funeral

 Kitte Fennestad lived in the Ubuntu House for years while doing graphic design work at American Pictures. Here is her daughter Kathinka with author Jette Drewsen, who edited my text in the book.




Jacob Holdt's 70th birthday

  where representatives of the Ubuntu House groups each talked about their work in the House, but were forbidden to talk about me.


Funeral of Eva Gammelkær

- longtime supporter of the Ubuntu House


Gala premiere of "The Reformist"

- a film about The Mariam Mosque




Jacob Holdt's book release party

  where he gathered the people mentioned in the book for coffee in the afternoon and a party in the evening.

Jacob Holdt's lecture on his new book in English

for international students in the Ubuntu House


Özlem Cekic's book release

 of "The Bridge Builders" with Bent



Jacob Holdt's 55th graduation anniversary

  for the 13 remaining old high school classmates on 26 June 2021



Index over other events             Back to Jacob Holdt's photo gallery

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