Dear Eva, I told your mom that you should look into the box to find my birthday present to you. But I meant the box she is usually looking into.....





I can't believe you can allready sit in your own chair, Eva!



OK, let's give Eva a piece of cake, you rat!




Don't feed the dog your birthday cake, Eva!





And watch your cake for your mom, she eats like a dinosaur
.....and it shows!





What do you think, should you keep all the cake for yourself
....or share a little with your mom?





That's right, Eva, get into the cake and try to scare your
mom away in your little red dress!





Let your mom blend some loving food for your brother instead.....


 he can grow older fast.


Also watch out for your daddy on this day.
He is always running around sneaking pictures of you!


Click here to continue your birthday party




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