Name |
Birth date |
Relationship with Daniel and Lalou |
Emperor of Byzantine Emp., Basileos I |
812 |
33rd great-grandfather |
Emperor of Byzantine Emp., Konstantin IX |
30th great-grandfather |
Emperor of Byzantine Emp., Konstantin VIII |
31st great-grandfather |
Emperor of Byzantine Emp., Konstantinos VII |
31st great-grandfather |
Emperor of Byzantine Emp., Leo V |
36th great-grandfather |
Emperor of Byzantine Emp., Leon VI |
september 19, 866 |
32nd great-grandfather |
Emperor of Byzantine Emp., Romanos I |
32nd great-grandfather |
Emperor of Byzantine Emp., Romanos II |
940 |
30th great-grandfather |
Emperor of Rome, Gaius Octavius Augustus |
71st great-grandfather |
Emperor of Rome, Tiberius Claudius (I) Nero |
68th great-grandfather |
Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire., Charlemagne (Karl den Store) |
april 2, 742 |
37th great-grandfather |
Emperor of the Holy Roman Emp., Ludvig I. |
august 778 |
36th great-grandfather |
Empress of Byzantine Empire, Eudoxia Ingerina |
33rd great-grandmother |
Empress of Byzantine Empire, Theodora |
32nd great-grandmother |
Empress of Byzantine Empire, Theophano |
30th great-grandmother |
Empress of Byzantine Empire, Zoe |
30th great-grandmother |
Empress of Swabia, Hildegard |
37th great-grandmother |
Princess of Byzantine Empire, Maria |
29th great-grandmother |
Princess of Byzantine Empire, Anna |
marts 13, 963 |
29th great-grandmother |
Princess of Byzantine Empire, Eleni Lekapene |
31st great-grandmother |
Princess of the Holy Roman Emp., Gisela |
35th great-grandmother |
Swith to: Russian royalty |
Danish royalty | Swedish royalty | Norwegian royalty |
English and Irish royalty | Frank and Burgund royalty | Other royalty |
Citizens of Ancient Rome | Famous Nordic figures |
Distinguised world citizens