Name |
Birth date |
Relationship with Daniel and Lalou |
King of England, Aethelred 1. |
Abt. 875 |
37th great-grandfather |
King of England, Aethelwulf |
806 |
38th great-grandfather |
King of England, Alfred |
33rd great-grandfather |
King of England, Eduard |
32nd great-grandfather |
King of England, Egbert |
775 |
39th great-grandfather |
King of England, Ella |
Abt. 758 |
34th great-grandfather |
King of England, Harold II Godwinsson |
Abt. 1022 |
29th great-grandfather |
King of Ireland, Ingjald "the White" Helgasson |
Abt. 820 |
35th great-grandfather |
King of Ireland, Kiarval MacDunghal |
Abt. 900 |
31st great-grandfather |
King of Ireland, Kjarval |
Abt. 794 |
35th great-grandfather |
King of Ireland, Olof "the White" Ingjaldsson |
Abt. 840 |
34th great-grandfather |
King of Kent, Eahlmund (Elmund) |
758 |
40th great-grandfather |
King of the West Saxons, Ceawlin |
Abt. 510 |
47th great-grandfather |
King of the West Saxons, Cedric |
Abt. 450 |
49th great-grandfather |
King of the West Saxons, Cynric |
Abt. 480 |
48th great-grandfather |
Princess of England, Gyda Haraldsdatter |
Abt. 1053 |
28th great-grandmother |
Princess of England, Heluna (Bleja) |
Abt. 784 |
33rd great-grandmother |
Princess of Ireland, Audna Kjarvalsdatter |
Abt. 928 |
30th great-grandmother |
Queen of England, Eadgyth Swanneshalls |
Abt. 1025 |
29th great-grandmother |
Queen of England, Edgina |
32nd great-grandmother |
Queen of England, Ethelbirth |
33rd great-grandmother |
Queen of England, Osburh |
Abt. 810 |
38th great-grandmother |
Queen of England, Raedburh |
Bef. 775 |
39th great-grandmother |
Queen of Kent, Berthe (Blithildis) |
Abt. 541 |
44th great-grandmother |
Queen of Ireland, Aud "Deep Minded" Ketilsdatter |
Abt. 834 |
34th great-grandmother |
Switch to: Emperors | Russian royalty | Danish royalty
| Swedish royalty | Norwegian royalty | Frank and Burgund royalty |
Other royalty | Citizens of Ancient Rome | Famous Nordic figures | Distinguised world citizens |