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King of Judea, Antipater | 65th great-grandfather | |
King of Judea, Herod the Great | 64th great-grandfather | |
King of Mitanni (Syria), Artatama | 117th great-grandfather | |
King of Mitanni (Syria), Parsatatar | 119th great-grandfather | |
King of Mitanni, Tushratta | 115th great-grandfather | |
King of Mitanni (Syria), Shaushshatar | 118th great-grandfather | |
King of the Hittites, Arnuwanda I | 115th great-grandfather | |
King of the Hittites, Hattushili II | 114th great-grandfather | |
King of the Hittites, Hattushili III | 111st great-grandfather | |
King of the Hittites, Murshili II | 112nd great-grandfather | |
King of the Hittites, Shuppiluliuma I | 113rd great-grandfather | |
King of the Hittites, Tudhaliya I | 116th great-grandfather | |
Princess of Mitanni, Kiya Tadukhepa | 114th great-grandmother | |
Princess of the Hittites, Ma'athefrue | 110th great-grandmother | |
Princess of the Hittites, Mutemwiya | 116th great-grandmother | |
Queen of the Hittites, Putukhipa | 111st great-grandmother | |
of Israel, Abihajil | 81st great-grandfather | |
of Israel, Ja'ir | 81st great-granduncle | |
of Israel, Kisj | 83rd great-grandfather | |
of Israel, Mordekai | 1st cousin 82 times removed | |
of Israel, Sjimi | 82nd great-grandfather | |
of Judea, Alexander | 63rd great-grandfather | |
of Judea, Cyprus | 65th great-grandmother | |
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