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Name | Birth date | Relationship with Daniel and Lalou |
God of Greek mythology, Zeus | 94th great-grandfather | |
God of Roman mythology, Mars | 82nd great-grandfather | |
King of Alba Longa in Latium, Numitor | 83rd great-grandfather | |
King of Alba Longa in Latium, Proca | 84th great-grandfather | |
King of Rome, Romulus | 81st great-grandfather | |
King of Troja (Ilium), Tros | 91st great-grandfather | |
King of Troy, Ilus | 90th great-granduncle | |
King of Troy, Laomedon | 1st cousin 91 times removed | |
of Greek mythology, Astyoche | 92nd great-grandmother | |
of Greek mythology, Electra | 94th great-grandmother | |
of Roman (Greek) mythology, Venus (Aphrodite) | 88th great-grandmother | |
of Roman mythology, Remus | 81st great-granduncle | |
of Roman mythology, Rhea Silvia (Ilia) | 82nd great-grandmother | |
of the Iliad, Hector | 3rd cousin 89 times removed | |
of the Iliad, Paris | 3rd cousin 89 times removed | |
of Troja, Aeneas | 87th great-grandfather | |
of Troja, Anchises | 88th great-grandfather | |
of Troja, Capys | 89th great-grandfather | |
of Troy, Iulus (Ascanius) | 86th great-grandfather | |
Princess of Troy, Batia | 93rd great-grandmother | |
A rivernymph, Callirrhoe | 91st great-grandmother | |
A Titan, Atlas | 95th great-grandfather | |
A Titan, Iapetus | 96th great-grandfather | |
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Burgund royalty | Citizens of Ancient Rome
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Nordic figures | Distinguised world
citizens | |